AI Could Help Europe’s SMEs Go Global by Jennifer L. Schenker
Artificial intelligence won’t just change the way large corporates do business. It could also help Europe’s small and medium sized services businesses expand internationally.
Globality, a Silicon Valley start-up, combines artificial intelligence and expert curation to help large corporates connect with qualified service SMES globally. The impact could be particularly strong in Europe, where 99.8% of companies are small and do limited business outside their home markets.
Today over 95% of services exports globally are handled by less than 1% of companies, namely large international companies who do a premium business in professional services.
Globality is aiming to change that. Its AI-powered marketplace replaces the request for proposal (RFP), a type of tender in which a company announces that funding is available for a particular project and invites bidders. “Not only is this an outdated analog process in a digital … Read More